State of Idaho

The Geography of Idaho

Longitude / LatitudeLongitude: 111° W to 117° W
Latitude: 42° N to 49° N
Idaho map

Length x WidthIdaho is 479 miles long and 305 miles wide.
Geographic Center
The geographic center of Idaho is located in Custer County, on the Yankee Fork River, southwest of Challis.
Longitude: 114° 57.4'W
Latitude: 44° 15.4'N
BordersIn the north, Idaho shares an international border with Canada. In the south, Idaho borders Nevada and Utah. Idaho is bordered by Montana and Wyoming on the east and by Washington and Oregon on the west.
Total AreaIdaho covers 83,574 square miles, making it the 14th largest of the 50 states.
Land Area82,751 square miles of Idaho are land areas.
Water Area823 square miles of Idaho are covered by water.
Highest PointThe highest point in Idaho is Borah Peak at 12,662 feet above sea level.
Lowest PointThe lowest point in Idaho is only 710 feet above sea level; the Snake River in the northwestern part of the state near Lewiston.
Mean ElevationThe Mean Elevation of the state of Idaho is 5,000 feet above sea level.
Major RiversCoeur d'Alene River, Snake River, St. Joe River, St. Maries River, Kootenai River
Major LakesLake Pend Oreille, American Falls Reservoir, Bear Lake, Coeur d'Alene Lake

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Prior to the arrival of European and Mexican explorers, roughly 8,000 Native Americans representing two distinct groups inhabited Idaho: the Great Basin Shoshone and Bannock tribes of the Shoshone-Bannock and the Shoshone. Paiute and the Plateau tribes of the Coeur d'Alene, Nez Perce and Kootenai. Today, Idaho's Native American heritage, their tribes and their chiefs are reflected in county names like Nez Perce, Benewah Shoshone, Bannock and Kootenai counties and the communities of Shoshone, Pocatello, Blackfoot, Nezperce, White Bird, Kamiah, Lapwai, Weippe, Kooskia, Picabo and Tendoy.
Spanish explorers made trips to the Northwest beginning in 1592. Spaniards introduced pigs, horses, domestic fowl, tomatoes, beans, corn and garlic to the Native Americans of the Northwest. Lewis and Clark were the first Euro-Americans to set foot on what is now known as Idaho. They encountered Spanish-speaking Native Americans as well as those who spoke their tribal language. They were followed by French-Canadian fur trappers; resulting in names of communities like Coeur d'Alene (French for "heart of an awl") and Boise (Le Bois-French for "the trees").
Even the impact of Hawaiian Islanders employed as laborers in the Northwest fur trade received recognition through the naming of Owyhee County. Almost the entire staff of Fort Boise from 1834-1844 were from the Hawaiian Islands.
Mountain men, including some Spaniards and Mexicans, lived off the land as trappers and hunters. In the 1860's, there were a number of Mexican vaqueros (cowboys) living in the Treasure Valley. By 1863, Mexicans were mining at Spanishtown, a camp near Rocky Bar. Jesus Urquirdes, one of several successful Mexican business people, came to Boise in 1863, became a prominent Pacific Northwest packer and built the Spanish Village in 1870s to house his Mexican packers. The 1870 census included 60 Mexican-born individuals.
York, William Clark's African-American servant, traveled though what is now Idaho in 1805 with the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Respected by the Indians, York today is credited as being of great value to the success of the trip. Some of the fur trappers, traders and miners who followed were African-American, including one who helped build the first mission in the Northwest. Until after the Civil War, only free Black or escaped slaves came West unless brought by their owners. The entry of the railroad though southern Idaho starting in the 1880s resulted in a number of African-Americans settling in Pocatello. Four companies of troops from the 24th Regiment (an African American unit) were sent to Idaho in 1899 to maintain order during the Coeur d'Alene mining strikes. The 1900 Idaho census listed 940 African Americans.
At one time, during the Gold Rush of the early 1800s, Idaho's population was one-quarter Chinese. By 1870, a majority of all Idaho miners were Chinese.
In the mid-1800s, as with other western states, most early Idaho settlers fled the East to escape what they saw as officially sanctioned harassment of individuals for their beliefs. This was true of the Mormons fleeing persecution and Union and Rebel supporters desperately seeking to flee the Civil War. During the 1890s, there were several thousand Japanese laborers constructing the railroad through Idaho. In 1896, Idaho became the fourth state in the nation to give women the right to vote. The territorial legislature had come close to giving women the right to vote as early as 1869. The territorial legislature in 1867 passed a statute making Idaho a community property state. It was not until the turn of the century that women in more than a handful of states had equal right to the family assets. In 1972, Idaho became the first state in the Nation to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
Between 1900 and 1920, a large number of Basque immigrants came to Idaho from the Pyrenees to work as sheepherders. Today, Boise, Idaho's capital, has the largest Basque community in the United States. Idaho was the first state in the nation to elect a Jewish governor. Moses Alexander was elected in 1914 and re-elected in 1916.
In 1990, Larry Echohawk was the first Native American to be elected attorney general.
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Interesting facts about Idaho State

Idaho has 3,100 miles of rivers - more than any other state.
State Motto: "Esto Perpetua" meaning "It is forever"
Idaho is bordered by Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Canada.
Idaho is the number one producer of Potatoes, Trout, Austrian Winter Peas and Lentils.
The statehouse in Boise is geothermally heated from underground hot springs.
Nearly 85% of all commercial trout sold in the U.S. is produced in the Hagerman Valley.
The word "Potato" first apeared on an Idaho license plate in 1928. The now famous words "Famous Potatoes" apeared on our plates in 1957. Did you know most Idaho License Plates tell you where the driver is from?
The Fosbury Flop, a high jumping technique, was invented by Ketchum resident Dick Fosbury.
Arco was the first city lit by Atomic Energy, July, 1955.
The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness is the largest in the lower 48 states-2.3 million acres of backcountry.
Twin Falls was the sight of Evil Knievels jump in 1974.
The first alpine chairlift was used in Sun Valley. In 1936 the fee was 25 cents per ride.
Idaho's state horse is the Appaloosa. Our state fish is the Cutthroat Trout.
The Great Seal of Idaho was designed in 1890 by Mrs. Emma Edwards Green. It is the only Great Seal in the 50 states to be designed by a woman.
Top 3 Industries: 1. Manufacturing 2. Agriculture 3. Tourism
Idaho's state bird is the Mountain Bluebird.
Idaho's flag is blue and contains the Great Seal of Idaho. The flag was adopted by the 1907 legislature.
Idaho is 83,557 square miles.
Shoshone Falls (212 feet), near Twin Falls, drops 52 feet further than Niagara Falls.
Idaho's Salmon River near Riggins is the longest free-flowing river that heads and flows within a single state.
Idaho's highest point is Mt. Borah (12,622ft), Lowest Point is Lewiston (738 ft)
The deepest river gorge in North America is Idaho's Hells Canyon (7,900 ft deep).
Idaho is the 13th Largest State in the U.S.
More intersting facts about Idaho State you can find at

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